Gallery Entrance

About Me
Thank you for visiting my page and taking a peek at my photos. I'm thrilled that you have landed here and I'm happy to share my world with you!
My love for photography started when I was around 14 years old. This is about the time I received my first camera. It was a Kodak Instamatic - the one with the multiple flash cubes on top. It was a birthday present from my parents. I loved that little camera. I took pictures of everyone and everything.
Eventually, a few years down the road (after high school) I outgrew my little camera, and graduated to a Pentax K1000. This was my first "real" camera. Now I had settings, and film and a great hobby. The world was my oyster, and I was armed with a great camera to capture it all. Eventually (with help from my husband) I built a darkroom in my house, and started working with black and white film. I'll never forget the smell of the chemicals, and the miniature clothes line that hung in my dark room that dried my prints. I loved watching my art come to life. Unlike now with digital cameras, you never knew what the picture was going to look like until it was immersed in the chemicals. Slowly, the image would develop in front of your eyes. The anticipation of what was developing in front of me was so exciting. We couldn't have a "redo". What you captured on film, is what you got. It was harder, but it was simple. If that makes any sense.
I now work with a Nikon digital camera. I don't have a darkroom anymore. Instead, I have a camera card that holds hundreds of pictures and a Apple laptop that stores it all. I have won several contests, and I have one published print. I enjoy and love what I do. All of my images are truly "organic" photographs. Coming from an "old school" blackground and film photography I never really found an appreciation for Photoshop or any other post editing software. Outside of minor croppings, I make very little changes to my prints in post editing. I try to capture the image as I see it, in it's "natural" light form. You just need a good eye, a dash of luck, and tons of patience! It can be a challenge, but it's one that I thoroughly embrace.
I live on the seacoast of Rhode Island and I enjoy traveling & taking pictures of wildlife, sunsets, landscapes and everything in between. I truly feel blessed to be able to enjoy and share my passion with you. Come look through my lens, we live in a beautiful and magical world that I want to share with you!
Peace~ LynnMarie